Determination of theophylline in dog plasma by high performance liquid chromatography with column switching 高效液相色谱柱切换法测定犬血浆中茶碱
Objective A rapid, effective, high-sensitive method for determination of nifedipine in human plasma by capillary gas chromatography is presented. 目的介绍一种快速、有效、高灵敏度的用毛细管气相色谱法测定人血浆中硝苯地平的方法。
The mass concentration, water-soluble ions and elemental composition of fine particles were detected by the weighing method, ion chromatography, inductively coupled plasma chromatography separately. 用称重法、离子色谱法和电感耦合等离子质谱法分别测得细颗粒物的质量浓度、水溶性离子和元素组成。
Rapid Determination of DDVP in Human Plasma by Gas Chromatography 气相色谱法快速测定人血浆中敌敌畏浓度
Plasma gas chromatography Determination of Trace Phthalate Esters in Plastic by GC/ MS with Ion Trap 气相-离子阱串联质谱技术对塑料中痕量邻苯二甲酸酯的检测
Determination of Cyclohexanone Concentration in the Plasma Separator by Gas Chromatography 气相色谱法测定血浆分离器中的环己酮残留量
Fast detection of four pyrazines in Chinese liquor by GC-MS/ SIM plasma gas chromatography 气相色谱-质谱-离子扫描联用法快速检测白酒中4种吡嗪类化合物
Rapid Determination of Tetrodotoxin in Human Urine and Plasma Using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry 亲水液相色谱三重四极杆质谱联用法快速检测尿液和血浆中河豚毒素
Plasma gas chromatography Multiresidue Determination of Triazine Herbicides and Some Metabolites in Maize by GC-CI MS/ MS 气相色谱化学电离二级质谱法对玉米籽粒中三嗪类除草剂及其代谢物的测定
Simultaneous determination of the concentration of phenytoin and phenobarbital in normal human plasma by high-pressure liquid chromatography 应用高压液相色谱分析法同时微量测定人血浆中苯妥英钠和苯巴比妥的浓度
The simultaneous determination of retinol and alpha-tocopherol in plasma by high pressure liquid chromatography 高压液相色谱法同时测定血浆中视黄醇和α-生育酚
Objective To find a method for the determination of dextroborneol in Xingnao Gutta Pills and plasma by gas chromatography ( GC) and GC-mass spectrometry ( GC-MS). 目的建立醒脑滴丸及其血浆中右旋龙脑含量的气相色谱(GC)及气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)方法。
Separation of Highly Purified Human Plasma Albumin by Chromatography 应用层析法分离高纯度人血浆白蛋白
Determination of Six Degradation Products of Nerve Agents in Human Plasma Using Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry with Strong Anion Exchange-Solid Phase Extraction 阴离子交换固相萃取-气相色谱/质谱法分析人血浆中6种神经性毒剂降解产物
Determination of Fentanyl in plasma by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry 气相色谱-质谱检测血浆芬太尼浓度
Purification of Fibronectin from Porcine Plasma by Gelatin-Affinity Chromatography Medium 明胶亲和层析介质分离纯化猪血浆纤维结合蛋白
Determination of nimodipine and its pharmacokinetics in human plasma by capillary gas chromatography using electron capture detection 人血浆中尼莫地平的毛细管气相色谱电子捕获检测法及药代动力学
Determination of nitrendipine in human plasma by capillary gas chromatography 毛细管气相色谱测定尼群地平血药浓度方法的研究
In this paper, an ionization mechanism of Microwave Induced Plasma Ionic Detector for chromatography is reported. 本文对色谱用微波诱导等离子体离子化检测器的离子化机理进行了探讨。
In plasma fractionation, affinity chromatography has been found to be particularly advantageous for fine and rapid capture of plasma proteins from plasma fractions pre-purified by ethanol fractionation or by ion-exchange chromatography. 在血浆分离中,以乙醇沉淀或离子交换层析预处理后血浆组分为原料,用亲和层析可高效地获得目标血浆蛋白。
Determination of Amino Acid Pattern in Human Plasma with Liquid Column Chromatography 氨基酸谱的液相层析法及其在血浆样品分析时的应用
Purification of Plasminogen From Human Plasma with Affinity Membrane Chromatography 亲和膜色谱法纯化人血浆纤溶酶原
Determination of methanol and glycal content in 706 descendant plasma by capillary gas chromatography 毛细管气相色谱法测定706代血浆中残留甲醇、乙二醇的含量
Determination. of metoprolol in plasma by gas chromatography and electron-capture detection 气相色谱&电子捕获法测定血中美托洛尔浓度
Determination of Bromhexine in Plasma by Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detection and Pharmacokinetic Studies Determination of cyclosporin A in whole blood by HPLC and its pharmacokinetic 气相色谱法测定溴己新血药浓度及药代动力学研究人全血中环孢素A浓度的HPLC测定及药物动力学研究
Determination of Nefopam in Plasma by Gas Chromatography 气相色谱法测定血浆中平痛新
Simultaneous extraction and determination of catecholamines in rat plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection 血浆儿茶酚胺的同时提取及反向高效液相测定法
Methods: Using plasma chromatography ( ICP-AES). 方法:用等离子光量计分析技术(ICP-AES)。
Determination of carbamazepine in plasma by micellar electrokinetic chromatography 高效毛细管胶束电泳测定血浆卡马西平浓度
The development of the plasma detectors for gas chromatography are reviewed in this dissertation. 综述了近年来国内外发展起来的气相色谱用等离子体检测器。